
William Turchetta, Kristen Gardner. "Understanding Slowdown in Large-Scale Heterogeneous Systems." EAI ValueTools 2022. To appear. pdf.

Kristen Gardner. "Correlation in Redundancy Systems." Queueing Systems 100, 197-199. 2022. Special Issue "100 Views on Queues." Available online, pdf.

Jazeem Abdul Jaleel, Sherwin Doroudi, Kristen Gardner, Alexander Wickeham. "A General "Power-of-d" Dispatching Framework for Heterogeneous Systems." Queueing Systems 102, 431-480. 2022. Available online, pdf.

Earlier version:
Jazeem Abdul Jaleel, Alexander Wickeham, Sherwin Doroudi, Kristen Gardner. "A General Power-of-d Dispatching Framework for Heterogeneous Systems." Workshop on Mathematical Performance Modeling and Analysis. June 2020. pdf.

Kristen Gardner, Rhonda Righter. "The Cost of Collaboration." Queueing Systems 100, 1-40. 2022. Available online, pdf.

Cole Stephens, Kristen Gardner. "An "A+" Heuristic for Dispatching in Large-Scale Systems with Unknown Server Speeds." IEEE MASCOTS 2021. To appear. pdf.

Earlier version:
Kristen Gardner, Cole Stephens. "Smart Dispatching in Heterogeneous Systems." Workshop on Mathematical Performance Modeling and Analysis. Phoenix, AZ, June 2019. pdf.

Kristen Gardner, Jazeem Abdul Jaleel, Alexander Wickeham, Sherwin Doroudi. "Scalable Load Balancing in the Presence of Heterogeneous Servers." Performance Evaluation. 2020. Available online, pdf.

Kristen Gardner, Rhonda Righter. "Product Forms for FCFS Queueing Models with Arbitrary Server-Job Compatibilities: An Overview." Queueing Sytems. 2020. Available online, pdf.

Kristen Gardner, Esa Hyytia, Rhonda Righter. "A Little Redundancy Goes a Long Way: Convexity in Redundancy Systems." Performance Evaluation. 2019 131, 22-42. pdf.

Kristen Gardner, Mor Harchol-Balter, Alan Scheller-Wolf, Benny Van Houdt. "A Better Model for Job Redundancy: Decoupling Server Slowdown and Job Size." Transactions on Networking 2017 25:6, 3353-3367. pdf.

Earlier version:
Kristen Gardner, Mor Harchol-Balter, Alan Scheller-Wolf. "A Better Model for Job Redundancy: Decoupling Server Slowdown and Job Size." MASCOTS 2016. London, UK, September 2016. Best Paper Award First Runner-Up. pdf.

Kristen Gardner, Mor Harchol-Balter, Esa Hyytia, Rhonda Righter. "Scheduling for Efficiency and Fairness in Systems with Redundancy." Performance Evaluation. 2017. Available online, pdf.

Kristen Gardner, Mor Harchol-Balter, Alan Scheller-Wolf, Mark Velednitsky, Samuel Zbarsky. "Redundancy-d: The Power of d Choices for Redundancy." Operations Research 2017 65:4, 1078-1094. pdf.

Earlier versions:
Kristen Gardner, Samuel Zbarsky, Mor Harchol-Balter, Alan Scheller-Wolf. "The Power of d Choices for Redundancy." Poster, SIGMETRICS/Performance 2016. Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, June 2016. pdf.

Kristen Gardner, Samuel Zbarsky, Mark Velednitsky, Mor Harchol-Balter, Alan Scheller-Wolf. "Understanding Response Time in the Redundancy-d System." Workshop on Mathematical Performance Modeling and Analysis. Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, June 2016. pdf.

Kristen Gardner, Samuel Zbarsky, Sherwin Doroudi, Mor Harchol-Balter, Esa Hyytia, Alan Scheller-Wolf. "Queueing with redundant requests: exact analysis." Queueing Systems. 2016 (83):227-259. doi:10.1007/s11134-016-9485-y. pdf.

Earlier version:
Kristen Gardner, Samuel Zbarsky, Sherwin Doroudi, Mor Harchol-Balter, Esa Hyytia, Alan Scheller-Wolf. "Reducing Latency via Redundant Requests: Exact Analysis." Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS 2015 Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems. Portland, OR, June 2015. pdf.

Kristen Gardner, Sem Borst, Mor Harchol-Balter. "Optimal Scheduling for Jobs with Progressive Deadlines." IEEE INFOCOM 2015 , Hong Kong, April 2015. pdf.