COSC-311: Algorithms

Fall 2017

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***This schedule is meant to give you an idea of the topics covered in this course and their order. It is subject to change and will be updated frequently. I will add assignments and related readings weekly. Please check this page frequently.***
Week of
Related Readings
9/4/17 Sorting and asymptotic analysis
    Insertion Sort handout
    Insertion Sort handout w/ invariants
    Invariant proofs
Asymptotic analysis practice (semi-optional, due Mon 9/11 in class)
Homework 1: Sorting (due Fri 9/22 in class)
CLRS 2.1, 3.1
KT 2.1-2.2, 2.4
9/11/17 More sorting and solving recurrences
    Induction practice
CLRS 6, 2.3, 4.3-4.4
KT 2.5, 5.1-5.2
9/18/17 More sorting and lower bounds Homework 2: Recurrences and Proofs (due Weds 10/11 in class) CLRS 7, 8.1-8.2
9/25/17 Divide-and-conquer
    Proving the Master Theorem (corrected from version handed out in class)
CLRS 4.1, 4.5-4.6
10/2/17 Greedy algorithms
    Problems solved by greedy algorithms (corrected from version handed out in class)
Homework 3: Greedy and DP Algorithms (due Mon 10/23 in class) CLRS 16.1-16.2
KT 4.1-4.2
10/9/17 Greedy algorithms on graphs CLRS 24.3, 23
KT 4.4-4.5
10/16/17 Dynamic programming CLRS 15.1, 15.3, 24.1
KT 6.1-6.2, 6.8
10/23/17 More dynamic programming, MIDTERM (Fri 10/27)
    DFS and topological sort review
    Midterm review problems
10/30 Network flow
    Network flow definitions
    Ford-Fulkerson and Max-flow/Min-cut
Homework 4: Network Flow (due Fri 11/17 in class) CLRS 26.1-26.2
KT 7.1-7.2
11/6/17 Applications of network flow KT 7.5, 7.7-7.9
11/13/17 Problem reductions
    Graph Coloring and 3-SAT (solutions)
KT 8.1-8.2, 8.7
11/27/17 NP-hardness and NP-completeness Homework 5: NP-Completeness (due Fri 12/8 in class) CLRS 34.1-31.4
KT 8.3-8.5
12/4/17 Approximation algorithms
12/11/17 Review and FINAL EXAM (Weds 12/13)
    Sample final exam