COSC-111: Introduction to Computer Science I

Fall 2017

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***This schedule may be updated. Please check back often for the latest version.***
Week of
1/22/18 Keyboard input/output, Strings, ints and doubles
Lab 1 (due Thurs. 2/1, 11:59pm)
1/29/18 Casting
    Reserved Words
Lab 2 (due Thurs. 2/8, 11:59pm)
2/5/18 Conditionals, boolean expressions
    Practice with if statements
    Practice with if/else (solutions)
Lab 3 (due Thurs. 2/15, 11:59pm)
2/12/18 Iteration
    Practice with while loops
    More practice with while loops
Lab 4 (due Thurs. 2/22, 11:59pm)
2/19/18 Review and MIDTERM (Weds. 2/21)
    Midterm review (solutions)
Project 1 (due Mon. 3/5, 11:59pm)
2/26 Methods
Lab 5 (due Thurs. 3/8, 11:59pm)
3/5/18 Arrays
    Practice with arrays
Lab 6 (due Thurs. 3/22, 11:59pm)
3/19/18 Sorting
    Commented insertion sort
Project 2 (due Sun. 4/8, 11:59pm)
Lab 7 (due Thurs. 3/29, 11:59pm)
3/26/18 Recursion Lab 8 (due Thurs. 4/5, 11:59pm)
4/2/18 Review and MIDTERM (Weds. 4/4)
4/9/18 2-dimensional arrays, Objects, Java API
    String documentation
Project 3 (due Weds. 5/2, 11:59pm)
Lab 9 (due Thurs. 4/19, 11:59pm)
4/16/18 More on objects and classes
4/23/18 Binary and circuits; Tractability and the Halting Problem
    Halting problem

Study guide